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Access The Black Door Online Free Movie

- Title: The Black Door
- Year:
- Duration: unknown
- Rating: 7.4
- Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Summary The Black Door
Kinsey explores the sea cave with the Savini Squad in tow. Meanwhile, Nina confronts Ellie over Joe, and Tyler sabotages his relationship with Jackie.
Kinsey's fixation on the Drowning Cave (and the locked door in back of it) puts the lives of the Savini Squad at risk. Nina, unhappy with Det. Matuku ruling Joe's death a suicide, confronts Ellie, getting on her bad side. Kinsey's effort to jog Uncle Duncan's memory results in a migraine. Whispers lead Bode to another Key but doesn't reveal what it does. Tyler's irresponsible actions drive Jackie away. After enabling Sam to escape prison, Echo seduces one of the Locke children.
Synopsis The Black Door
A few days after Joe's murder, Nina sits in the police station waiting to give a statement and get answers about Joe's death. While she waits to meet with Detective Daniel Matuku, she calls Ellie but gets no answer. Matuku finally meets with her and they talk in his office. She insists it wasn't a suicide as the police think. Matuku asks if she has any evidence, and Nina can only play back the voice message of Joe saying there was something she needed to see. Nina had seen Joe earlier and between the two, SHE was the one upset. Matuku asks what Nina was upset about, and Nina says Joe was helping her make sense of Rendell's death.Matuku says he has to go with the evidence, and the evidence points to suicide. He refuses to give Nina any more details, including whether or not he's spoken to Ellie. As Nina goes, she sees a box of Joe's things on Matuku's desk, including a photo of Joe. Matuku refuses to let her go through the contents.
At Matheson Academy, Tyler looks at a high school photo of Rendell running track in a trophy case and remembers the memory he saw of Rendell attacking one of his friends. Jackie comes along and Tyler hides the Memory Key he was examining. She points out the memorial to Joe, calls his death crazy, and asks Tyler if he still wants to come over later. He says he does, and Jackie walks off.
Scot and Kinsey meet with the Savini Squad. Scot suggests that the footage they've shot wasn't very good. He's written a few extra scenes to improve the film, of which he and Kinsey already shot one. Doug gets a text from the owner of the Matheson docks denying them permission to film there for liability reasons. Scot says they should think about where else to shoot their pivotal scene and to regroup the next day.
Kinsey goes home, lays on her bed, and looks at a photo of her and Rendell. She gets an idea, takes out a bag of memory jars from beneath her bed and looks at the one of a young Rendell in the sea cave with his friends.
Kinsey goes down to where Duncan is working and asks if it bothers him that he doesn't remember pieces of his childhood. Duncan says it doesn't. Kinsey opens the bag to reveal the memory jars. She suggests that someone took them out of Duncan's head, and Duncan stares at one. After a moment, Duncan sets the jar aside and clutches at his head, saying he feels queasy. Kinsey says it was a bad idea, closes the bag, and Duncan immediately and entirely forgets what just happened. Nina calls for Duncan to help with dinner and he goes, leaving Kinsey to ponder.
Working on homework at Jackie's house, Jackie asks Tyler if he's good, because he keeps staring at a photo. They kiss but he quickly withdraws when she brushes the Key on a chain beneath his shirt. Tyler says he should start going. Jackie asks if she did something wrong, and Tyler assures her she didn't. He confirms that he'll be there to help set up the 5k run fundraiser and leaves.
Tyler returns to Key House and barely gets inside before Kinsey insists on showing him something. She takes him to her room and explains what happened with Duncan. Tyler remarks that they already know adults can't remember magic, but Kinsey points out that Duncan fixated on the memory of Rendell and his friends going to the sea caves. There's a blue light in the cave, and Kinsey figures that something happened to their father and his friends there. She wants to go there and asks Tyler to come with her, but he refuses. Kinsey insists, and Tyler, pushed too far, angrily tells her that he's done with everything. He tosses her the Head Key, says that all of the Keys are now hers, and walks out.
The next day, everyone in town gathers for Joe's service. Tyler avoids sitting with Jackie. Nina sits next to Ellie and asks why she's avoiding her. Ellie tells Nina to come out with her and walks out. Nina goes after her.
Outside, Nina asks how Ellie and Rendell got the same scar. Ellie says that they did it to themselves along with Mark and Erin. They pressed a hot poker to their chests as a way to remember their dead friends. Ellie says it's none of Nina's business and that's why she didn't tell her when she asked earlier. Nina asks where Ellie was the night Joe died. Ellie says home, but Nina knows it's a lie and says so. Having known Joe for twenty-five years, Ellie angrily insists that Nina, knowing him only a few months, didn't care about Joe like she did. Ellie says that she tried really hard to be Nina's friend, then goes back inside.
Scot shows the Squad footage he shot of Kinsey walking through the woods and the off-screen sea monster grabbing her, which Gabe jokingly (but knowingly) calls "magical." Scot points out that they still need to find a location for their final showdown. After Doug and Gabe spit out a couple unworkable ideas, Kinsey suggests the sea caves, which Scot points out are nicknamed "The Drowning Caves" for a reason. She says she's been down there and it'll be safe if they're careful. Doug and Zadie object, but Gabe loves the idea and calls them killjoys. Kinsey says the resulting footage won't look like some cheap, hacky, home-made film, and Gabe puts it to a vote - unless there's a better idea (which there isn't). Scot gives in.
Early morning at Key House, Bode hears whispering and follows it to an old sewing room. He finds and removes a Key, inserted in a sewing machine, and takes it to a cabinet in the kitchen (the very cabinet Nina found in the sealed ping pong room weeks before). He puts on a biking helmet and unlocks the cabinet but finds nothing inside. Thinking it might be a "Narnia" situation, he steps in and closes the door, but still nothing happens. He opens the door and steps out; nothing has changed.
Nina comes in, greets Bode, notices the Key in his hand, and congratulates him for finding it. Kinsey comes in and asks if they have flashlights but won't say why she needs them. Kinsey exits and Matuku calls Nina.
In his office, Matuku tells Nina they found no signs at Joe's to indicate anything other than suicide. He says that the only thing in the box were photographs from when Joe was a yearbook advisor and that Nina is welcome to have them now that they're no longer evidence.
Bode finds Duncan sleeping on the couch, wakes him, and asks if he wants to go out exploring with him. Duncan says that he's still fighting a migraine from earlier, so Bode goes.
Finding Bode alone in the cemetery, Echo approaches and gives him one last chance to give her the Keys. Bode refuses, and Echo tells him that he has no idea what is coming. She says it will destroy Bode's family and he'll be the one responsible. She walks off.
In prison, Sam uses the Fire Key Echo gave him to burn through his cell door and escape. He walks out, setting the place on fire as he goes. When a guard arrives, Sam sets him on fire with the Key and walks out of the burning prison.
Tyler prepares for the day and gets a photo invite to a drinking party celebrating Joe's life. Tyler looks over at the box of 5k donations and then texts that he'll be at the party.
Nina looks at her framed photo of Rendell and his high school friends then dives into photos from Joe's box, finding a photo of Rendell with Ellie. Duncan comes in to say he's leaving and notices the photos. Nina explains that she's looking for something but doesn't know what, and insists that she's not crazy. She says she thinks she messed things up with Ellie, and mentions the scar. Duncan doesn't remember the scar on Rendell - another lost memory of his younger days. Nina only knows something feels off. Duncan offers to take everyone to Boston, where he and Bryan will take the kids out so Nina can rest, but Nina says she's okay to stay and hugs her brother-in-law.
The Squad enters a sea cave (a.k.a. the Drowning Cave) and admires the atmosphere. Kinsey privately seeks the spot where she saw blue light in Duncan's memory and leads the group further into the cave. The others balk, but Kinsey insists it's safe and that the footage will be worth it. Gabe sides with Kinsey, and Kinsey drops into a lower tunnel. First Gabe then the others follow.
Kinsey climbs into a side tunnel, with Gabe following, and hears the same whispering as from the Keys. Gabe and the others arrive and admire the setting. Kinsey continues on to another chamber where she finds a round wooden door with a blue light glowing around its edges. There's a door knob with an omega symbol and a keyhole on it. Kinsey peers through the keyhole.
Meanwhile, Zadie discovers the cavern filling with seawater, cutting off their route, and the Squad realizes the tide is coming in. Scot orders them to pack up everything because they're leaving and realizes that Kinsey isn't there. Gabe tells the others to leave and he'll find her.
Gabe finds Kinsey at the wooden door.
Scot swims down and confirms the seawater has already come in to the previous cavern. They must abandon their equipment and swim for it. Zadie and Scot help Doug out.
Gabe tells Kinsey they have to go, but she refuses.
Scot, Doug, and Zadie swim to the first cavern
Kinsey reluctantly goes with Gabe, and goes first into the seawater.
The trio reach the first cavern in the air and wonder about Gabe and Kinsey.
Gabe and Kinsey swim through the cave and emerge into an air pocket between caverns. They catch their breath and continue swimming, reaching the first chamber where Scot helps Kinsey out (leaving Gabe on his own). Scot berates Kinsey that they could have died, and Kinsey apologizes. Zadie points out that they lost all of their gear, which Kinsey says she'll replace. Scot accuses Kinsey of abandoning them and doesn't buy her excuse of only finding them a good location. Did she even care about the film at all? She snaps at him, saying that she has more to worry about than his stupid movie, and Scot, stunned by the word "stupid," says he never should have trusted her and walks away. Zadie and Doug go with him, and Gabe looks at Kinsey.
Reaching a basement to dry off, Kinsey acknowledges that Gabe saved her life. He wonders what that door was, and Kinsey figures it has something to do with the Keys. She says she doesn't have anything, including the Squad, and Gabe tells her to give the group some time to get over it. Kinsey admits she knew nothing about the cave. Gabe says he's glad they went there and assures her that she's a bad-ass with energy that makes people want to follow her. He admits he likes the fearless Kinsey, and Kinsey, feeling low, kisses him. After a moment, he kisses her back.
As Tyler attends the party, Jackie texts him to ask where he is. He ignores her, and Logan, spotting him, asks why he's there when the 5k is happening at the same time. Jackie was expecting him. Tyler says he figures Jackie probably has it under control and excuses himself to get another drink. Javi and Brinker greet him, saying they miss having Tyler on the team. Echo comes in, approaches Tyler, and asks where she can get a drink. Tyler offers her his drink, but then, at her making a face, offers to get her something better than the "vodka and Kool-Aid" he was having.
As Tyler and Echo hit it off, drinking and talking, Javi tells Brinker that Tyler is a lucky bastard... until he spots Jackie storming in. Javi quickly warns Tyler, and Echo tells Tyler she'll see him around but was sorry they couldn't spend more time together.
Jackie confronts Tyler saying she can't believe he blew her off. Tyler tells her he's doing her a favor by not showing, better sooner than later. Jackie wishes he'd tell her what he's going through, but Tyler says she really can't understand. In response, she starts angrily gulping down vodka and asks if she can understand him now. He tells her to go home but she insists that she's having fun and tells Tyler to go home. Tyler tells her she deserves better, and Jackie says that they at least agree on something. Tyler nods and leaves.
Walking home, Tyler visits a Quick-Stop where he sees Echo, lingering outside and asking how it went with "what's-her-name" (Jackie). Echo holds up a bottle of whiskey and invites Tyler to not let her drink alone. After a moment he follows her off.
Bode finds Kinsey unpacking in her room and asks if she has all of the Keys. He explains that Echo came back and said something bad was going to happen to the family and that it would be Bode's fault. Kinsey says Echo is just trying to scare him and reminds him that Echo can't take the keys. Bode refuses to leave Kinsey's side and reluctantly agrees to help her carry boxes up from the basement.
At her home, Echo drinks with Tyler outside by her truck, but she figures that he's mentally somewhere else. Tyler says it's been a weird night, and Echo tells him he deserves a night off from his self-loathing. As Tyler drinks, Echo points out it can be freeing when one gets out of one's own head and invites him into her truck. Should she be driving? Who said anything about driving? When Tyler says he should get home, Echo leaves it up to him. Tyler asks her name and she says it's Dodge, then gets into her truck. After a pause, Tyler gets in with her.
Duncan heads back to Boston. After he drives through the automated Key House gates, Sam slips through and onto the grounds before they close, ominously approaching the house.
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