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Access Family Tree Online Free Movie

- Title: Family Tree
- Year:
- Duration: unknown
- Rating: 7.5
- Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Summary Family Tree
Kinsey uses a key to seek vengeance on a school bully. A troubled Nina finds a sympathetic ear. A long-buried memory casts Rendell in a new light.
The Keys begin whispering to Tyler and Kinsey, not just Bode, leading to the Music Box Key that controls others (and another Key with links to preserved memories). Using the Music Box Key to humiliate a bully creates a rift between Kinsey and Tyler. Bode gets in trouble for taking protection to school, Nina struggles to understand how Ellie has a chest scar identical to her late husband's, and Scot wants Kinsey to use her powers for good.
Synopsis Family Tree
Night at Key House. As Tyler fills himself a glass of water in the kitchen, he hears whispering and calls to whom he assumes is someone in the house. He sets the water aside to investigate and finds Kinsey investigating the same whispering. She determines it comes from the piano and figures it's the same whispering that Bode described. Bode comes in as she lifts the piano lid and pulls a Music Box Key from its strings, realizing they can hear the whispering too. Bode thinks he recognizes the Key's swirl design.He has Tyler fetch down a brown music box with swirls from up on a shelf. Tyler gets the box down and Kinsey inserts the Key. When she opens the lid, a miniature ballerina turns as music plays, but nothing happens. Bode figures they can all be protectors of the Keys now since they can all hear the whispering. Bode points out that Echo is still out looking for the Keys, and Tyler decides they should split up the Keys for safety's sake. Bode pulls out his Key collection and Tyler distributes them: the Music Box Key to Kinsey, the Ghost and Mirror Keys to Bode, and the Head Key for himself. He adds that they should hang onto the Keys and discuss using them before actually using them.
Kinsey, irritated at being given orders, says that they can manage themselves and tells Tyler to shut his mouth - and against his will he does. When he can't open his mouth, Kinsey realizes that the music box let her command him, so she tells Tyler to slap himself in the face, and he does. Finally, Kinsey tells Tyler to open his mouth, and he does to much relief. Bode tests the box with a command to Kinsey but nothing happens. They figure that since Kinsey put the Key in, it only obeys her. She tells Bode to pick his nose and he reluctantly starts to do so, but Tyler slams the music box shut (halting the music and breaking the spell), insisting the Keys aren't toys but weapons only to be used as needed. "Can't they be both?" asks Bode. Kinsey and Tyler leave in silence, but Bode is happy that there are now three protectors.
The next day, Tyler and Kinsey find Nina in the kitchen staring off into space. She hasn't slept well and relays that none of the handymen called in could find anything wrong with the stove. Tyler dismisses the fire it as a fluke and says he's not going back to the hockey team, Kinsey snatches Nina's toast, and Bode, with a Hi Mom/Bye Mom, joins his siblings' exit. As they leave, Nina yells after them that Duncan is coming that night for the weekend. She follows them out.
As Tyler and Kinsey drive off to the academy, Nina sees Bode emerge from the shed. He says he wasn't doing anything there, grabs the remaining toast from Nina's hand, and runs off to catch the school bus.
Later at the academy, Kinsey and Scot review the video they shot of The Splattering. Kinsey figures that she ruined the scene, but Scot assures her that she was fine. Eden comes by and sarcastically asks Scot if he regrets replacing her. She claims that star-wannabe Kinsey slept with Scot to get the part, and tells Scot that he's no director, just a mediocre fanboy. She walks off and Kinsey starts to go after her, but Scot stops her and says it's not worth it.
Tyler and Logan help Jackie sort shirts for the 5k run fundraiser. She has to go and asks them to help her sort more later after school. Once she leaves, Tyler asks Logan to find an excuse not to show up. Logan figures that Tyler wants some alone time with Jackie, and suggests she might feel the same. He tells Tyler that Jackie is picky and not to screw the relationship up, then leaves.
Tyler finds Kinsey to say she'll need to find another ride after school as he's going to Jackie's. He's alarmed to see that Kinsey has the music box with her. She says she's just keeping it safe. As Tyler leaves, Scot comes over and Kinsey tells him that she's sick of bullies. Scot explains that he's learned to accept them in high school, but Kinsey says they're not powerless, as they have Keys. Scot wonders what she has in mind. She leads him aside to show him the Music Box Key. Kinsey uses it on Eden, making her fall on her face. Eden does and everyone laughs, but she picks herself up and recovers smoothly, claiming to everyone that she did it deliberately, pulling off physical comedy expertly, and the students applaud.
Kinsey is miffed that Eden isn't upset. Gabe, overhearing them, realizes that Kinsey was responsible for the fall. He figures it's a prank they set up with Eden, but Kinsey insists it's real and tells Gabe not to tell anyone. Gabe wants a try, and Kinsey gives him the box and Key. He makes Eden stand up and get on the table, then make a snow angel, then turn over and do the breast stroke. Everyone laughs and takes videos while Gabe makes Eden pour salad dressing on her head and dump a smoothie on herself. Kinsey takes the box back and Scot says that it's enough. When Kinsey refuses to stop, Scot says he thought it was about getting back for what Eden said to him earlier. Kinsey insists that it is, but Scot says that he's good now and Kinsey should let it go. Gabe and Kinsey want to continue, but Scot walks away in disgust.
Nina meets with Joe to see how Tyler is doing in school and says that Tyler told her he was quitting the hockey team. Joe tells her about the fundraiser and suggests Tyler is busy with that, and explains that he (Joe) has been organizing the fundraiser for years. Nina worries that Tyler has grown further from her, but Joe assures her that Tyler is moving onto a brighter place. Nina gets a call from Bode's school and is shocked to hear what her son has done.
Nina later emerges from Bode's school with Bode, a blacksmith hammer, and Bode's backpack. She asks why Bode took the hammer to school, and Bode says that he brought it for protection but refuses to say from whom. Nina assures him that she'll protect him.
Jackie approaches Tyler in the academy library as he uses a magic eight ball app. He jokingly refuses to tell her what he was using it for, and Jackie says that people should make things happen if they want things to happen. "Fortune tellers are for lazy people." As she and Tyler smile at each other, Jackie gets video of Eden in the dining hall kissing a statue, and Jackie wonders why Eden would do it. Tyler recognizes it as a misuse of the music box (keeping it to himself) as Jackie goes to check on her friend Eden.
At home, Bode immediately runs upstairs while Nina hears someone in the house. Hearing descending footsteps coming from an open door, she runs over, slams and locks it shut. Calling from behind it, Ellie says it's her, and Nina opens the door. Holding a G.I. Joe doll, Ellie claims that Rufus left one of his action figures behind and she came in, using Rufus' key, to get it for him. Nina tells her that she can't just walk into her house and should have called her first, but assures her that it's okay. When she notices a keyhole-shaped scar on Ellie's upper chest, Nina asks how she got it, and Ellie says it was as a kid falling off her first bike ride without training wheels. She zips up her jacket to cover it and quickly leaves.
As Gabe walks Kinsey home through the woods, he shouts out that they have a magic key. He asks Kinsey how she found it, and Kinsey says that it called to her. Gabe wonders how it got made and suggests that Kinsey is a descendant of witches and warlocks. Last he checked, Eden's humiliating video got 7,000 views, which she deserved. Kinsey prefers to think she earned it - a "lifetime achievement award" says Gabe.
Upon Kinsey's inquiry, Gabe explains that his parents are getting divorced. His father travels all the time, and his mother thinks a boarding school is good for their son. Arriving at Key House, Kinsey tells Gabe she's glad he's in Matheson. Tyler comes out and grimly tells Kinsey that they need to talk. Gabe quickly leaves.
Inside, Tyler tells Kinsey to give him the Music Box Key so he can give it to Bode to hold. He points out that Kinsey used the Key against his orders, which Kinsey admits she did and it was awesome. Tyler reminds her that Echo wants the Keys and almost burned them all alive, but Kinsey points out that Echo can't take them and they survived. Tyler warns her that they don't know anything about Echo for sure, and Kinsey dismisses his fear while reminding Tyler that she removed hers. She tells Tyler he's not her parent, doesn't have to worry about her every second, and should live his own life. She retreats upstairs. Tyler storms out of Key House just as Uncle Duncan arrives.
In his room, Bode sketches floor plans of Key House, throwing dissatisfying efforts away. Duncan comes in, and Bode rightly perceives that Nina asked his uncle to talk to him. Duncan asks what happened, and Bode says that the entire family - more important than math class - needs to be protected. When Duncan asks how he can help, Bode says that he can't understand and Duncan suggests that his nephew try him. Asked if he knew Chamberlin when he was a kid, Duncan says he didn't. Bode explains that he talked to Chamberlin, who said Duncan and Rendell played around with the Keys, became ghosts, and played with him. Duncan doesn't remember it, and Bode figures that if Duncan can't remember then it's not Duncan's fault. The boy gives his uncle a sympathy hug.
Nina visits Joe's house and asks if they can talk. As they walk about his wrap-around porch, Nina discusses Rendell having the same chest scar in the same place as Ellie, an upside-down teardrop that he claimed he got when he burned himself camping but which Ellie claims she got from a bicycle accident. Nina asks how it's possible for two people to have two identical scars from two different incidents, and figures that Ellie or Rendell or both of them lied. When Joe dismisses it as something in the past, Nina wonders why they then lied about it if it wasn't important. She figures that something happened that Rendell refused to discuss, and remembers Sam saying something about Key House before he shot Rendell. It's part of the reason why she came to Key House.
Joe suggests that Nina is looking for someone to blame for Rendell's death. He himself looked for blame after his wife Callie died and then realized that the fight was going to kill him. He tells Nina that it's okay to lose herself in her obsession as long as she finds herself again, assuring her that he'll be there for her.
At Jackie's place, Tyler looks at an on-line photo of Eden claiming that what she did was performance art. Jackie supposes so but Eden won't open up about it. Tyler says that he wishes he had known Jackie in Seattle. All of his "friends" there disappeared on him after Sam killed Rendell. Jackie reminds Tyler that at least he had his family, and they seem close. Tyler scoffs and says that he has to act like his siblings' father and he sucks at it. Jackie assures him that he's a good brother, saying that he's strong, kind, and has a good sense of who he is. Tyler tells her she doesn't know that, and Jackie insists that she does. The two of them kiss.
Kinsey tries to text Scot but gets no response. As Gabe sends Kinsey a text icon saying "magic," she hears pebbles against her window. When Kinsey looks out, Scot greets her and claims his phone has been dead for hours. He asks to use her charger and Kinsey happily lets him in. As his phone charges, Scot says he doesn't condone his actions at lunchtime, but suggests that they use her powers for good by making The Splattering not as bad. Kinsey agrees but says they shouldn't tell Gabe or the other Savini Squad about the remaining Keys. Scot agrees.
Scot sees family photos on Kinsey's dresser, including the high school photo of Rendell and his friends. He mentions that some of them drowned in the sea caves, and the article he read with the photo said that they had just graduated and were at a party. He jokes that Nephropidae, the legendary monster of Matheson that only kills for sport, devoured them. Kinsey tells Scot that he'd better get back before curfew, and they kiss briefly before Scot goes.
Later that night, Nina visits the Whedon house. When Rufus answers the door, Nina asks if Ellie is home. He tells her that his mother isn't there, so Nina asks Rufus to have Ellie call her when she can. Before she goes, Nina asks Rufus if he got the action figure he left at Key House. Rufus says that all his "troops" are "present and accounted for." Nina gets back in her car, where she discovers that Joe left her a voicemail saying that he saw something he can't explain and needs to show it to her at his house. Nina calls Joe but gets no answer.
Tyler returns to Key House and Kinsey says that she's been waiting for him. Tyler reminds her that she told him to stay clear of her and, in doing so, feels good about himself, but Kinsey persists and tells him that the kids who drowned in the sea cave were Rendell's best friends. She wonders if that was why Rendell didn't want to come back to Matheson. They suddenly hear whispering, and Kinsey determines that it's coming from outside.
The siblings follow the whispers to the cemetery. "Perfect," says Tyler sarcastically, "This is going to be a fun key." He suggests they ignore it, which Kinsey won't when it calls to her to find it. Tyler asks if she's ever heard of siren song. The whispering leads to a Key in an urn. Rather than tip the urn over, Kinsey breaks it. The key has a flower on it (not a starfish as she first thinks). Tyler points out a glowing red keyhole in a nearby tree. Kinsey wants to find out what the Key does, but Tyler doesn't, but she wants him with her, so he stays. She says the Keys are both their legacy and their connection to Rendell, so they're worth the risk. If they'll someday have to fight the well lady (Echo), wouldn't it be better to know how all the Keys work?
Kinsey goes to the tree and inserts the Key into the glowing keyhole. The ground rumbles and forty-five glowing glass preserve jars (which they call paint jars) rise out of the ground, inside the nearest one, an image of Rendell flying. Inside the next jar, Rendell and Lucus tell Duncan to get out. Kinsey figures that these jars contain Duncan's memories.
Kinsey looks at another jar showing a memory of Duncan using a Key he inserts into his neck to change his appearance, but Tyler finds a jar with memories showing Rendell killing one of his friends. Kinsey suggests hopefully that memories can be distorted, but Tyler doesn't buy it and figures it's why Rendell didn't want to come back.
Nina arrives at Joe's house and finds the front door open. When no one answers her knock, she calls Joe's phone and hears it ring inside. She enters nervously and follows the ringing to finds Joe's body. Joe, sitting at his desk, has been smothered with a plastic bag. Nina calls 911 and the operator says that they have officers nearby. Nina hears a bump and investigates, eventually walking out onto the back balcony, but finding no one. Nina remains still long enough for the motion detector back light to turn off. The camera pans down to show Ellie hiding under the balcony directly below Nina.
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