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- Title: Head Games
- Year:
- Duration: unknown
- Rating: 7.8
- Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Summary Head Games
Locating a powerful new key sends Bode's spirit soaring. Tyler's simmering rage boils over. Kinsey realizes just how much her fear holds her back.
The Locke kids go on a few head trips (Bode's and Kinsey's) thanks to the Head Key, to discover their father's sea monster story had a different version for each offspring. Injuries can occur here, as Tyler discovers after an attack by a ferocious figure in Kinsey's head. Echo acquires a second key, as does Bode, who thereby meets a departed ancestor. Tyler loses his cool after a hockey game, Nina discovers a troubling connection with a symbol scribbled in Rendell's yearbook, and Ellie visits the well house.
Synopsis Head Games
Bode leads Kinsey and Tyler down into the chest, where the inside is a vast arcade that represents Bode's "head." A younger version of Bode jumps on a trampoline, and the real Bode explains that it's his glee, which has become a living thing here. He knows this because it's his head.Bode turns the crank on one of a number of jack-in-the-boxes, and a light shines out into his face. All three Locke kids find themselves in Bode's memory of Rendell mounting glowing paper stars on the walls of Bode's bedroom (accurate to constellation patterns). Kinsey reaches for Rendell, desperate for connection, but her hand passes through him. Bode explains that it's a Memory-Rendell who can't hear them. Memory-Rendell tells Memory-Bode an original story about a sea monster, sailors and gold treasure. Midway through the tale, Memory-Bode falls asleep and the three siblings find themselves back in the arcade. Kinsey remembers that the story had a happy ending, but Tyler remembers it ending on a dark note.
The children emerge from the chest and Bode removes the key from his real body's neck. The trunk disappears and the real Bode emerges from his trance, saying the Head Key made it possible. He reveals that he hears Keys whispering in words he can't understand, but the whispering leads him to them. Bode wants to use the Head Key on his siblings, Tyler first, but they refuse. Tyler decides, since he's the oldest, that he'll hold onto the Mirror Key and the Head Key until they understand everything they do. Bode and Kinsey object, with Kinsey pointing out that Tyler's the least responsible, so Tyler reminds Bode that he already lost the Anywhere Key. Bode finally explains about Echo and says that he needs to protect the Keys. Kinsey decides that she'll take the Head Key while Tyler takes the Mirror Key. If Echo comes back, Bode should tell them right away.
At a café, Echo uses a customer's laptop to do a web search on Mark in Ohio. The customer comes over and protests. Echo ignores him and finds a picture of Mark's house. She gets up, rewards the customer with a kiss, then uses the Anywhere Key to transport herself to the house, now burned from the fire. Echo finds Mark's safe and opens it but doesn't find what she's looking for inside, figuring Mark knew she was coming.
Three neighborhood kids standing outside notice Echo. She sees that one of them has a key on a chain around his neck and comes out to ask where he got it. Echo offers to show him her Key if he shows her his. The boy comes over and says that his Key is like a lighter. At his insistence, Echo shows him the Anywhere Key and demonstrates how it works on the house's front door. It opens to a subway station. Echo grabs the boy's key and shoves him onto the tracks of an on-coming train. The train runs him over, and the other two boys run off.
The next day at the academy, Kinsey finds Scot waiting for her. He thanks her for her work on his film and gives her Band of Horses tickets as a gesture of thanks. He explains that they're for a Band of Horses local cover band and adds that the outing is just for him and Kinsey. She wonders if it's a date, and Scot assures her it isn't. He suggests they call it a hang, but Kinsey explains that she has things to do. Scot takes the tickets back to hold, in case, and Kinsey leaves her attendance as a "maybe."
Later on, Nina, Bode and Kinsey visit the hockey rink to watch Tyler play with his new team. Ellie arrives and greets Nina. Nina introduces Bode to Ellie then sends Bode to find them some seats. Ellie invites Nina to have dinner with her sometimes at an in-town restaurant.
As Kinsey finds a seat, she hears Jackie and Eden talk about Tyler. Eden notices Kinsey listening, and Jackie invites her to sit with them.
Tyler sits in the box, complaining that the coach hasn't brought him in yet. Javi explains that Tyler's good but new, and the coach is pretty loyal to his (regular) guys. Two players slam into the railing before them whereby a teammate must shake it off. Javi points out the other player as Chad Garland, an All-star dickwad.
After the game, Nina congratulates Tyler for his team's good effort. Tyler, dour, points out that the team lost by six points and that HIS efforts came entirely from the bench. He loads his gear in Nina's car and says he's going to Javi's. Jackie and her friends walk nearby, and Tyler asks her if she's going to the thing at Javi's. She is, so he offers her a ride, and she accepts. Jackie spots Chad, a "douchey" guy who hit on her and Eden shortly before. As Chad hits on Kinsey, trying to get her to go to a party with him, Tyler intercedes to ask Kinsey if she's okay. She is but wants to go home. Chad tells Tyler to relax, that they were just having a conversation, and advises Tyler to sit this one out - like he did most of the game.
Already simmering for a while, Tyler approaches Chad, and Chad shoves him away. Tyler shoves back, they fight, and Tyler, boiling over, knocks Chad to the sidewalk, beating him repeatedly. Kinsey tries to pull Tyler away but he shoves her back, knocking her down as he keeps beating Chad. For a moment, Tyler imagines Chad as Sam saying "Feels good, doesn't it?" Joe pulls Tyler off and tells him to walk away.
Later in the locker room, Joe tells Nina that Chad swung first but Tyler went too far. He warns that Tyler will probably be suspended from the team for a few weeks. Nina explains that Tyler has been defensive lately, which Joe understands, after what Tyler's been through.
Tyler waits outside the office to be taken home.
Flashback: Tyler waits outside of Rendell's office at school. Sam comes over, and Tyler explains that he broke curfew last night by fifteen minutes, so Rendell is going to give him a lecture, the kind where everything he does wrong becomes, not just a mistake but, a moral lesson. Sam can relate and says he rises every morning thinking he must kill his own dad. Tyler laughs and jokingly asks him that, after killing his dad, to do him a favor and kill Rendell as well. Sam regards Tyler.
Logan comes over to Tyler and warns him that anger will destroy him if he lets it, so don't. Tyler looks at Logan's artificial legs and asks about him wearing shorts. Logan laughs. "My legs look cold to you?"
The next day at Key House, Kinsey sketches in the study. She gets a text from Scot reminding her about the cover band. She starts to text back that she'll go with him but reconsiders and avoids responding. She walks over to Tyler, mopping the foyer as punishment. He apologizes for pushing her the night before. Kinsey says that he was somewhere else, and it was scary, but doesn't want to talk about it. She then shares her decision to go inside her head using the Head Key. Tyler insists on going with her.
Now in Kinsey's bedroom, bracing for her head trip, Kinsey tells Tyler not to wander, touch anything or take anything. Once he agrees, Kinsey puts the key into her neck. Her "real" body goes rigid, and another Kinsey appears in front of a revolving door. She goes through it with Tyler following and they find themselves in a shopping mall representing Kinsey's head. There are no people, and the mall floors go up to the sky.
Kinsey realizes that each store represents some of her memories, and she finds a store representing her memories of Rendell. They go there and Kinsey takes out one of many color-coded cubes (green) with a memory of the first time Rendell took her to the top of the Space Needle. Tyler doesn't want to share it but comes over when Kinsey finds the memory of Rendell telling her an original story about a sea monster. In the story, the sea monster coughs up all of the sailors it swallowed and everyone is reunited. Tyler says his memory of the story doesn't have this light ending. In hindsight, Kinsey figures that, at the time, she should have asked for one more story. Young Memory-Tyler comes in and gives Memory-Kinsey Sally, the stuffed dolphin toy she left in his room.
Abruptly, Kinsey and Tyler find themselves out of the mall and in front of the boarding school's sports arena, watching a more savage Memory-Tyler beating Memory-Chad. A feral Kinsey walks toward them and disappears, leaving disembodied snarls around them. Feeling endangered, Tyler asks to get out of there, and the scene changes, accessing the memory of Seattle when Kinsey hid herself and Bode from Sam after he attacked their parents. The growing shadow of Memory-Sam approaches them, and Kinsey says she could have grabbed a poker (visually nearby) and hit Sam but, paralyzed by fear, she couldn't act.
Suddenly, Feral-Kinsey enters and attacks Tyler. Kinsey grabs the poker and stabs her feral self in the chest. It staggers back out of sight, and they go back through the revolving door. Kinsey removes the key, returns to her real body, and says that her feral self is her fear. Tyler's injury (a bruise on his waist) still exists in the real world. Kinsey insists that she didn't make her counterpart attack him, but Tyler's dubious. He tells Kinsey to let the matter go and leaves.
Tyler, later in his room listening to music, looks at photos of Jackie on her web page. When he reaches the last photo, he sets his phone aside and remembers Rendell's telling of the sea monster story. In Tyler's version, the sea monster left the fisherman alive and alone so he could remember all that happened, all the pain he had caused, for the rest of his days. Render, obviously troubled, tells Tyler that the past is always with them no matter how much they try to run away.
Nina and Ellie order at a restaurant, where Nina tells Ellie that she's a recovering alcoholic, on the wagon for six years. The worst part is the time she missed with her kids. They talk about Nina's children, and Nina says they're coping in their own ways - Kinsey anxious and overthinking, Tyler hiding out in his headphones, and Bode a tornado of energy. When Nina mentions Bode's scary "imaginary" friend in the well house, Ellie perks up but doesn't say anything further about it.
At Key House, Bode fetches a cookie and hears whispering. He follows the sound to a painting and, in it, finds a key with a skull on it (the Ghost Key). Using it on the basement door, it opens to the outside. When Bode steps through, his body collapses and his essence becomes a floating spirit. Bode flies around Key House and sees Tyler on an outdoor balcony. Tyler can't perceive Bode, so Bode flies off across the countryside.
He discovers a cave near the ocean and spots a cemetery. It's the family cemetery, where he finds another ghost - great-great-grandfather Chamberlin Locke - who explains that he passed away many years ago. He introduces himself and is happy to learn that Key House has new residents. Chamberlin hasn't seen Rendell in a long time, and explains that only those who've died on the property can roam there. Some have crossed over but Chamberlin preferred to stay. He, Rendell and Duncan used the Ghost Key to fly around and explore.
Bode hears Nina's car pulling up and says that he'll visit Chamberlin again. Flying back to Key House, Bode spots Ellie. She uses a key to let herself into the well house and calls down the well to Lucas. There's no answer, so Bode moves on.
While looking for food in Key House, Tyler seeks Bode and finds his body comatose on the floor. Bode returns to his body as Tyler, alarmed, tries to wake him up. Bode explains about the Ghost Key, but Tyler is furious that Bode screwed around with it. Bode says he just thought he could find their father's ghost.
Nina comes into Kinsey's room and finds her going through her art samples, trying to select one to send along with her application. Her mother suggests that Kinsey get out of the house and clear her mind. Kinsey references her date offer from Scot but says she doesn't want to go and possibly screw things up. She worries that Scot will get hurt eventually or hurt her. Nina tells her to go, promising her daughter she'll have fun and could never disappoint.
Scot waits outside the venue where the cover band is playing. Kinsey arrives and sees Scot, but he doesn't see her. She looks at the Head Key and then walks away.
Tyler helps put up the glowing star stickers on Bode's bedroom wall. Tyler wonders why Rendell wouldn't have told them if he used the Keys, figuring that Rendell didn't want his kids to use them. Bode supposes he forgot, like Mom did with the mirror, and suggests that, if Rendell hated Key House, it could be that he was scared of Echo. Tyler tells Bode that he and Kinsey are there for him.
In the forest, Kinsey uses the Head Key to enter her own head.
Nina lies on her bed and wistfully looks through Rendell's high school yearbook. She finds an omega symbol that Rendell drew on many of the pages and remembers seeing the same symbol tattooed on Sam's wrist when Sam demanded answers about Key House from Rendell.
Kinsey drags a body in a bag out of the revolving door. Feral-Kinsey, inside, tries to claw its way out, so Kinsey punches it unconscious. She tosses it in a hole along with a bloodied knife. As KInsey begins to bury them, Echo watches from the shadows then walks away, seemingly satisfied.
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