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- Title: Ray of F**king Sunshine
- Year:
- Duration: unknown
- Rating: 7.8
- Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Summary Ray of F**king Sunshine
Tyler and Kinsey feel torn when they figure out why Nina acts strangely. Bode meets Rufus' and Ellie's house guest. Dodge zeroes in on the Omega Key.
Recognition of old patterns make Kinsey and Tyler painfully aware of Nina's relapse, but drunkenness appears to connect Nina's memory to her experiences with magic. At the very least, Nina figures out the use of the Cabinet Key. As sympathetic townsfolk drop off food for the Lockes, Bode has an uncomfortable encounter with Rufus and Ellie's secret house guest, Dodge visits Erin with the Head Key hoping to be lead to the Omega Key, Scot thinks Gabe might have replaced him in Kinsey's heart, and Tyler wants to visit the Drowning Caves.
Synopsis Ray of F**king Sunshine
At the Whedon home, as Ellie and Rufus cook, Ellie congratulates Rufus on his idea to take Nina and her kids a soup. They hear someone move, and Rufus wonders how much longer "he" is going to stay there. Ellie assures him that it won't be much longer. He notes that his mother said THAT two week ago, and Ellie asks her son to hang in there and reminds him of the "rule" that they can't let anyone know he's there.Lucas Caravaggio, "he," comes in and asks about breakfast. Ellie tells him what they're doing, and Lucas asks if the kid who showed up was the same one who murdered Rendell. Ellie sends Rufus down to the cellar to see if they have another can of tomatoes, and then asks Lucas where he was the previous night and if he was involved with what happened at Key House. Lucas says that if anyone was involved, it was Ellie.
As Tyler and Kinsey clean up the kitchen, Tyler calls the situation messed up: Dodge got the Head Key. Kinsey mentions the Black Door in the sea caves. She explains how she and the Squad went down there, but doesn't know what's behind the Door. Kinsey figures that one of Rendell's friends has information about the Door in their head, and that's why Dodge wants the Head Key. Tyler asks to see the Black Door and Kinsey warns against it because of the tide, but her brother has already confirmed when low tide is.
Nina comes in, looks at all the food brought by the townspeople, and thanks Tyler and Kinsey for cleaning. She cheerfully goes to clean the study, and Kinsey and Tyler both note their mother's weird behavior.
Tyler and Kinsey go to the study where Nina vacuums the rug Sam collapsed on. When Tyler tries to help her roll it up, Nina does it on her own and then, supposing Tyler might be traumatized by last night's events in the room, assures him that he did what he had to with Sam because it was self-defense and that she's there for him if he ever wants to talk about it. Tyler asks if SHE wants to talk about what happened, but Nina insists she's okay and, smiling, tells her children they should feel whatever feels right to them, picks up her mug, points out having moved the old cabinet into the room, and declares she might make more changes in the room as well.
Tyler takes Kinsey to Nina's room and searches for her "stash," sure that their mother is drinking again. He reminds Kinsey of how Nina acts when she drinks - happy and carefree, then weird and emotional, then shut down and bedridden - and says her breath reeks of Spearmint (which she uses to cover liquor breath) and just wants to find and throw out the booze. Kinsey, while looking at Nina's photo collection of Rendell's friends, points out that they've been lying to Nina and it might be their fault that she's drinking again. On a photo of Erin, Nina has a Post-it saying she's at McClellan Psychiatric Hospital.
Bode comes by and sees Tyler and Kinsey in Nina's room. He enters and asks what they're doing, and they claim they're helping Nina find her phone. Bode wonders what they're going to do about Dodge now that she has all the Keys, and Tyler tells his little brother to let them handle it. Kinsey takes Bode out to make him chocolate chip pancakes.
Nina greets Det. Matuku at the front door. He dropped by to check in on her, not officially but as a neighbor, and Nina invites him in. They sit in the main room and Nina offers him some of the food the neighbors gave them. Matuku notices her drinking from the mug and suggests that Nina could go anywhere. Why stay? Brother-in-law Duncan did offer his place in Boston, but Nina figures that they're better off at Key Horse and insists that her family is fine. She notices him eyeing her mug, and when Matuku offers to listen if she ever wants to talk, she quickly cuts him off. Understanding, Matuku tells her to take care and lets himself out.
Nina goes to her bedroom, takes out a hidden bottle of vodka, and pours some into her mug. She takes a drink and hides the bottle, then takes some more Spearmint and checks herself in the mirror to make sure she looks normal.
Back downstairs, Nina sees her reflection beckoning to her from the Mirror Keyed mirror, and vaguely remembers being trapped on the other side. She drops her mug in shock and kneels to pick up one of the shattered pieces. When she hears someone coming, she picks up the pieces and hides (and locks) them in the old cabinet. Tyler comes in, asks if everything's fine, and Nina says that she's just moving things around.
As Tyler washes dishes in the kitchen, Jackie texts him that she's outside. The doorbell suddenly rings and Kinsey goes to answer it, but Tyler follows her, saying it's Jackie.
Both Jackie and Gabe stand at the front door, together, and Gabe nervously says that they got there randomly at the same time... with both weirdly bringing chowder. They all go to the kitchen, where Nina comes in and greets the newcomers. Nina jokes about Jackie and Gabe being the possible reasons she rarely sees Tyler and Kinsey, then says she's thrilled with her children forming relationships. Laughing, Nina says that she's not talking about romantic relationships and over-enthusiastically says she believes in friendships.
The doorbell rings again and Nina, saying this is as close as it gets to attending their own funerals, goes to answer it. Kinsey takes Gabe up to her room, and Tyler suggests to Jackie that they go somewhere and talk.
Nina finds Ellie and Rufus at the front door with soup, and Rufus quickly goes to find Bode. Ellie offers Nina the soup and says that she felt sick. Nina apologizes for questioning Ellie at Joe's funeral and says that she was just angry with how things are. She invites Ellie in and Ellie accepts.
Tyler finds a quiet corner and apologizes to Jackie for bailing on the 5K. He admits he was a dick and shouldn't have left, and Jackie says he really hurt her, smiles, and says not to do it again.
Kinsey comes down and finds Ellie by herself. She asks if everything is okay with Ellie, and Ellie hesitantly says it is. Kinsey asks if she's been approached by anyone strange and describes Dodge. Relieved (that Kinsey isn't talking about Lucas), Ellie says she hasn't seen anyone like that. Nina comes back in and asks Ellie to take some of the townsfolk food (four casseroles). Kinsey excuses herself to return to Gabe, and Bode and Rufus come in. Bode talks about Rufus's model airplane and how he wants to go over and work on it with Rufus. Ellie reluctantly agrees and the two boys leave.
When Kinsey returns to her room, Gabe congratulates her on getting into one of the schools that she applied for. He notes her lack of excitement about it, and Kinsey wonders if she should be. Gabe admits that he wouldn't be thrilled if Kinsey left Matheson for the summer, and Kinsey says that he's the only one who is. She figures the other Squad members are still mad at her and she deserves it, and Gabe says they're just freaked out by Sam's visitation. Gabe wonders why Sam came there, and Kinsey tells him he came for the Keys. He assures her that her secret is safe with him, and Kinsey thanks him.
The doorbell rings, and Kinsey hugs Gabe. Nina announces that someone is at the door for her, and Kinsey goes down to find Scot there (checking his breath). Scot admits he was pissed at her but when Sam attacked it put everything else into perspective. Kinsey says she's glad Scot is there but looks nervously up the stairs; Scot gives her a container of ice cream as a gift. Gabe comes down, and Kinsey (gauging Scot at seeing Gabe as a new and unexpected rival) tells Scot that Gabe just came by to see how she was. Scot, seeing himself as a third wheel, quickly excuses himself to return to work, says he's glad Kinsey is okay, and leaves. Gabe says that he should probably go as well but tactfully waits for Scot to drive away first.
As Bode and Rufus work on Rufus' models, Bode complains that Tyler and Kinsey have been keeping secrets from him again to protect him. When Bode says that just because they're older doesn't mean they're right, Rufus asks him what he would do if his "direct commander" wanted him to keep "sensitive intel" on an enemy "classified." Would he under any circumstances disobey that order? Bode asks if Rufus has an enemy too or if he's talking about Bode's.
Before Rufus can answer, Lucas comes in and asks who Bode is. Rufus introduces Lucas as his cousin, and Bode, picking up on the sudden tension, asks Lucas where he's from. Lucas says he moves around a lot but likes it with Ellie, adding he's sorry about what happened with Sam. Bode tries to shy Lucas away by saying he and Rufus are really busy right now, when Ellie comes in with cookies and sees Lucas with the two boys. She reminds Lucas that he said he'd be out all afternoon; Lucas says he just got back. When Ellie offers ice cream, Bode and Rufus eagerly go downstairs and Ellie glares at Lucas for a moment before following them.
Nina finds a new mug to drink from, then unlocks the cabinet to retrieve the broken pieces of her favorite mug - and finds the mug whole and sitting on a shelf. As she stares at it, Kinsey comes in and realizes something is wrong. Nina explains what happened and calls it insane. She puts the torn up stuffed Sally in the cabinet, closes the door, then opens it to find the stuffed animal is whole. Nina also talks about the mirror and what she saw there, and tells Kinsey that she thinks she did step into that mirror once and got lost on the other side. She wonders if it's about the Keys Sam talked about, including the one in the cabinet door. Kinsey assures Nina that she doesn't think she's crazy, and goes to talk to Tyler.
Kinsey finds Tyler in his room listening to music and tells him about the cabinet and how Nina made it work. She says that Nina is remembering things from way back, including getting lost in the mirror.
Nina tests the cabinet with a book she tears up and, to her delight, figures she's not crazy. She goes up to the kids and hears Tyler suggest that things are different for Nina because she's drinking. Kinsey wonders what they're supposed to do, and a shocked Nina walks away without her children seeing her. Meanwhile, Kinsey figures that if Nina keeps drinking, they'll all be on the same page and can tell her the truth about everything. Tyler says they can't let her, and Kinsey figures that they lose Nina either way.
Tyler's alarm for low tide goes off, and he says they should go. He puts on Rendell's jacket as the caves will be cold, saying he left his at Javi's party.
Dodge visits the hospital, signs in, and Nurse Ruth tells her that Erin is with Gustave. Gustave performs competent magic for the patients, so Dodge joins the audience and watches for a bit. She then sits near Erin and shows her the Head Key, telling her to show where Rendell hid the Omega Key and no weird stuff.
Tyler and Kinsey visit the sea caves at low tide, where Kinsey finds a lighting stand the Squad left behind. She stares at it for a moment then admits she made reckless decisions because she was obsessed with following the whispers. Kinsey says that removing her fear didn't matter when it counted, and that she should have grabbed Sam's gun just like she should have grabbed the poker back in Seattle. Tyler assures her that she didn't do it either time because she was protecting Bode, and that she'll make it right with her friends eventually.
Tyler and Kinsey reach the Black Door, where Tyler finds a list of Rendell and his friends' names scratched onto a nearby rock. There's a title on it calling themselves the "Keepers of the Keys," and Kinsey points out that there are only two of them still alive: Ellie and Erin. Tyler suggests that Erin is the woman Javi said came to Key House and went insane, and Kinsey figures Rendell may have told Erin, his girlfriend at the time, where the Omega Key is, information which Dodge plans to use the Head Key to extract. Kinsey suggests they go see Erin, and Tyler tells her to go while he stays with Nina.
Dodge wheels Erin to her room, notes Erin's photo of The Keepers of the Keys, and inserts the Head Key into Erin's neck. The door of Matheson Academy appears, but there's no sign of the other Erin. Dodge goes through the door and finds herself in a ruined academy representing the inside of Erin's head.
Kinsey drives to the hospital and runs inside.
Dodge finds a room filled with VHS tape containers. She opens one and views a memory of a young Rendell and Lucas sharing a toast to the Keepers. Dodge continues searching and soon finds a memory of Erin giving the Omega Key to Rendell. Young Rendell holds up the Omega Key, and Dodge smiles. Young Erin herself comes in and asks Dodge what she's doing there. Dodge figures that Erin is trapped in her own mind, and says that she knows where the Omega Key is hidden.
As Kinsey signs in, Ruth mentions that Erin has another visitor and describes Dodge.
Dodge exits through the mind door, leaving Young Erin behind pounding on the door and demanding to be let out. Dodge removes the Head Key and uses the Anywhere Key to leave just as Kinsey comes in the same door from the other side. Kinsey doesn't see Dodge. Dodge teleports to the Whedon house, finds Rufus' action figure on the kitchen table, and breaks it in two.
Kinsey tells Erin that she's Rendell daughter and, noticing the framed photograph, says that she has the bracelet Erin wears in the group photo of her friends. When Kinsey says they're worried someone will try to get in her head, Erin stares at her. Getting nowhere, Kinsey apologizes for bothering her, and Erin mutters the name "Dodge." When Kinsey points at the figures in the photo, Erin calls Lucas "Dodge" and Kinsey realizes what she means.
Dodge inserts the Identity Key into her own chin, transforming her appearance into Lucas.
Gleefully, Nina puts the urn with Rendell's ashes in the cabinet, then closes the door. She runs off to the bathroom and vomits then hears a door open and close. Nina looks out and sees a male figure wearing Rendell's jacket returning home. Assuming it's Rendell, she runs out only to discover that it's Tyler wearing Rendell's jacket. Nina stares at Tyler in shock, then glances over at the cabinet. She opens it, finds the urn inside, and, just as Kinsey enters, throws it on the floor where it breaks, scattering Rendell's ashes.
Tyler and Kinsey stare at Nina, and Tyler finally tells Nina that he'll clean up. Nina walks out, and Kinsey goes after her to Nina's bedroom. Nina says she's sorry, and Kinsey says she knows what she tried to do and would have done the same thing. When Nina wonders why it didn't work when it's magic, Kinsey says it IS magic and they tried to tell her before but she wouldn't remember. Nina says she thought she could bring Rendell back and it's her fault for not protecting them from Sam. Kinsey tells Nina she's not to blame for Sam and she doesn't have to fix them, adding that her mother can't go back to drinking, because they need her. Nina stares at her, and Kinsey lies next to her and hugs her.
Ellie finds Rufus' broken action figure on the kitchen floor. Lucas emerges from the shadows and happily says he saw Erin and Rendell hide the Omega Key inside Rendell's head.
Kinsey returns to Tyler and tells him what Erin said about Dodge. As she wonders if Lucas and Dodge are the same person, Tyler hears whispers and finds the Omega Key among Rendell's ashes.
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