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- Title: Welcome to Matheson
- Year:
- Duration: unknown
- Rating: 7.5
- Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Summary Welcome to Matheson
After the Lockes move into Key House, Bode makes a new acquaintance - and a startling discovery. Tyler and Kinsey try to start over at a new high school.
The Lockes, following the death of the father, come to live at the Locke ancestral mansion, called Key House. Most enthused of the three kids is youngest Bode, who soon discovers a voice in a well willing to be his special friend. As his brooding older siblings focus on entering a new school, Bode learns that the house is full of magical keys that whisper to him to be found. The voice in the well proves to be no friend, and the family's mother finds herself caught in an almost certain lethal trap.
Synopsis Welcome to Matheson
On a snowy street in Ohio, Mark Cho walks up to his home after grocery shopping. He starts to let himself in when his cell phone rings. The caller says that Rendell Locke is dead, and they both know what happened. Mark goes in, says that he knows what he needs to know, and hangs up. Inside, Mark takes out plans of a manor and photos of a family, tosses them on the dining table, opens up a wall safe, and takes out a key in a case. After studying the key for a moment, Mark jams it into his chest and moans in pain. The key is absorbed into his chest, and tendrils of red energy spread through Mark's body before he bursts into flame. The flame spreads through the house, consuming it.Three Months Later: Massachusetts
Nina Locke drives her family SUV down the highway. Her daughter Kinsey sketches, son Bode snaps a photo of the landscape, and older son Tyler dozes. Bode wants to play a game to pass the time, either I Saw a Monster, Whack-A-Bode or Serious Question, but Nina tells him not Whack-A-Bode. The boy settles on "Serious Questions" and asks which sense they would choose to lose. Tyler and Kinsey aren't interested in playing, and Tyler asks Bode instead what he would be doing if they were still in Seattle. Bode says he'd be playing Fortnite with friends. Tyler says he'd be on a French Club ski trip with an attractive girl, and Nina, responding to Bode's question, talks about how she and her husband Rendell would grind up lemons and put them in the garbage disposals of the houses they sold to cover up the smell of fresh paint.
The Lockes arrive on the coast. Bode admires the view while Tyler and Kinsey ignore it. Driving into the town of Matheson, Nina wants to stop and check it out. They stop at an ice cream shop. As they go in, Bode waves to an older boy, Rufus Whedon, also carrying a G.I. Joe action figure as he gets in his car with his mother (Jackie).
In the shop, the clerk (Scot Cavendish) chats with Kinsey and compliments her on her bracelet. He reads Nina's credit card and (clearly knowing who they are) welcomes them as newcomers with ice cream on the house. Kinsey insists that they don't need charity, but Scot tells her it's hospitality and welcomes them to Matheson. As the Lockes leave, Bode wonders how Scot knows them.
The Lockes press on through the forest and pass through the gates to pull up at Key House (a mansion), which belonged to Rendell. Bode is impressed, but Tyler and Kinsey aren't and wonder why Dad (Rendell) never brought them here. The children's Uncle Duncan comes out and greets them, welcoming them to their ancestral home. He hands out party hats and party horns to celebrate the occasion and leads them inside to show them around the ground floor. Tyler isn't impressed, and Duncan points out the steps to the basement.
Finally Duncan shows them the Great Room, complete with portraits of various Locke ancestors. They reach the kitchen and Nina tells her children to unpack and explore. Once apart, Duncan looks at Kinsey's sketches and she talks about how she'll be going to community college in the summer. Meanwhile, Tyler walks out into the forest to smoke, and finds a cliff overlooking the ocean. Kinsey comes up and says that he wouldn't smoke if their father was still there; Tyler points out that if their father was still around they'd be in Seattle. Kinsey asks Tyler if he's okay, noting that Tyler and Rendell fought a lot before Rendell died. Tyler asks if Kinsey is okay, and she says that she's fine, but it doesn't seem true.
Kinsey talks about how, when she first saw Key House, she wanted to text a picture to Rendell because he would have really liked it. She takes a selfie of herself and Tyler, and they look out at the ocean as they text the picture to their late father.
That night, Nina puts an urn with Rendell's ashes on the mantle. Kinsey sends the selfie, which Nina receives. ----- The Past: As Nina paints a stained glass window, Rendell comes in and jokingly asks her to check his work. Kinsey comes in looking for Bode, and Rendell suggests that she look in the basement. Sam Lesser arrives and says that he's there to see Mr. Locke. Rendell and Nina invite Sam in, but Rendell tells Sam to come by his school office on Monday and they'll talk then. Sam insists that it can't wait, draws a gun on Rendell, and tells him that he's going to tell him everything he needs to know. Rendell refuses to talk to the boy when he has a gun, so Sam shoots Nina in the leg (sending her crashing through her stained glass window) and demands to be told what he needs to know about Key House. When Tyler arrives at the front door, Rendell jumps Sam and is shot dead. ----- Bode goes outside and takes pictures of the forest for his collection. He finds the well house and takes a photo of it, and slips through the locked gate bars to get inside. Bode leans over the well opening and takes a photo, but the photo slips out of his Kodak and falls into the well. Bode turns to go, but when he looks back, the photo is sitting on the edge of the well. The boy picks it up and calls down into the well, asking if the person he assumes is inside is his echo. A woman says that she is, and tells Bode to believe. Scared, Body runs outside.
In the house, Nina asks Duncan if there have been any updates to the house. Duncan admits that he's been avoiding the place, and says that it's not a happy place. Nina wonders why they didn't sell it, and Duncan says that he wanted to but Rendell wouldn't allow it. He figures they can sell the house, but Nina says she needs a project and the kids need a home. Tyler comes in and tells them what Bode said about a girl in the well house. They go to where Bode stands outside the well house with Kinsey, and Duncan says that he doesn't have a key to the gate because the well is contaminated with seawater and there's no reason to go in. Bode insists that he heard a voice, and says that the woman said she was his echo. The others don't believe him and Nina takes him inside Key House.
The next day, Nina makes breakfast. Tyler finds an eggshell in his scrambled eggs and Nina apologizes. Kinsey comes in and says she's not hungry, and Nina turns on the garbage disposal. It jams on a tree root, and Kinsey complains that they're going to a boarding school. Her mother tells her and Tyler that going to a new school sucks - but then might not. They aren't convinced. Duncan comes in and says that he's heading back to work in Boston, and he'll be back the next day. The children leave, and Duncan gives Nina the house keys.
As Duncan packs up his car, he gives Key House the finger then notices Bode watching him from the porch. Duncan claims that there's more than one meaning to the middle finger - like saying aloha - and Bode happily gives Duncan the finger, thinking that it means "goodbye."
Kinsey and Tyler arrive at the boarding school in Matheson, brace themselves, then enter. Inside, they split up. At her locker, Kinsey overhears two girls talking about an upcoming party. One girl suggests to the other that they invite Kinsey, but the other (Jackie Veda) figures Kinsey to be a killjoy because of her late father. They refer to how Rendell died, but Jackie isn't convinced Kinsey deserves any special sympathy because of it.
Later, as Kinsey eats lunch alone on the stairs, she reads "Your invitation To Hogwarts ISN'T COMING" high on the wall. Scot, saying he's been looking for her everywhere, comes by with his lunch and asks Kinsey if he can join her. He tries to joke with her, saying that she's not boring, and introduces himself. He invites her to a thing that he and his friends, the "Savini Squad," are having later. He tries to explain about Tom Savini when Kinsey feigns ignorance and realizes that she's messing with him. Kinsey declines, but Scot pings her the address and says that they'll be there when she's ready.
Tyler goes to hockey practice after school to try out and flashbacks to returning home and seeing Sam shoot Rendell. Players Javi and Brinker congratulate him on his playing and say that they can use him. They know about Rendell's death and, as trauma's a chick turn-on, tell him he should come to their party that night.
Bode skates through Key House. Nina invites him to come to the hardware store with her, but Bode declines and, giving her an aloha middle finger, goes to the kitchen to eat cereal and watch cartoons. Bode hears a voice whispering and dismisses it as nothing. Afterward he goes to the well house, slips through the gate bars, and calls down the well. The woman, "Echo," says that he woke her up. She tells Bode that echoes can come to life at Key House and that she's his echo, and asks if he's found any keys yet. Echo says that there are lots of keys in the house, including one that can let him step out of his body and become a ghost, and another that can change the way you look. The best is the key that can take the user anywhere in the world if they know how to use it, Echo explains that it's made of gold and has six interlinked circles, and Bode should listen for them because they whisper. Bode confirms that he's heard whispering in Key House, and Echo says that only people who are special can hear them... like Bode. Nina calls to Bode, and Echo tells him not to tell anyone about her. Bode agrees and leaves.
In Kinsey's bedroom, Bode starts to tell Kinsey about what happened, but she isn't interested and, freezing, goes to take a hot shower. Bode notices that Kinsey's gold bracelet, left on the table, matches Echo's description and, hearing it whisper, removes the key hidden in it. He says that he wants to get some ice cream, concentrates on the ice cream parlor in town, and closes an open door. He uses the Anywhere Key to unlock it, and when he reopens the door he finds the ice cream parlor on the other side.
Bode takes the key, goes through the door, and closes it behind him. Scot, working, recognizes Bode, and Bode orders an ice cream cone. The boy realizes that he's really there, and Bode uses the Anywhere Key to go back through the door to Key House. Kinsey comes back from the shower and complains that Bode broke the bracelet which Rendell gave to her. Bode explains the key's power, but she figures he's just playing games and tells him to prove it by taking her to the top of the Eiffel Tower. The Key doesn't work, so Kinsey furiously shoves him out of her room.
Nina opens a box of Rendell's things from the attic and saddens as she finds his jacket. She also finds a photo of Rendell and other similar high school students. Kinsey comes in and asks Nina to tell Bode to stay out of her bedroom. Kinsey notices the photo and Nina explains that she found the box in the attic. Nina figures the box is of Rendell's high school friends. Scot texts Kinsey about the party, and Kinsey tells Nina that Tyler is with his new teammates. Kinsey wonders why they're at Key House when Rendell didn't want them to come there. Nina says that they needed a new start.
Bode hears whispering coming from the kitchen sink and reaches down the drain. He pulls out another key with two faces and a mirror on it. He goes to the well house and tells Echo that he found the Anywhere Key but it didn't work for Kinsey. Echo explains the Key didn't work because he's never seen a door at the Eiffel Tower, but since they're friends she can tell him anything he wants to know. She says that she lives in the well because of magic, and she gets so hungry sometimes. Bode says he could bring her some Doritos and that he found another key with two faces and a mirror on it. He asks what it does, and Echo asks what would be his one wish in the entire world. The boy says he wishes he could talk to his dad again, and Echo tells him that the Mirror Key will let him and his family see people who have died, and to show the Mirror Key to Nina.
At the hockey team's party, Tyler approaches Jackie and chats her up. Another girl, Eden, intrudes and Jackie leaves. Eden tells Tyler that, after what happened to his dad, everyone at school is there for him, including her, and they drink shots together. Soon after, they're in a bedroom making out, where Sam (a ghost? a memory?) appears bedside, telling Tyler that it's his fault Rendell is dead. Tyler utters "No," and Eden, unable to see Sam, assumes he's talking to her. Tyler says he wants to continue fooling around with her but now's not the right time. He apologizes and quickly exits, leaving her confused.
Kinsey goes to Scot's house, where he introduces her to the other two members of the Savini Squad: Zadie Wells and Doug Brazelle. Kinsey isn't impressed, and Scot tells her that she's just in time. They watch 'Day of the Dead' and Zadie and Doug discuss it. Scot says that "final girls" only survive by fighting the monster. It triggers a traumatizing memory where Kinsey hid with Bode as a man approached them tauntingly saying he just wants to talk. Overcome, Kinsey runs from the room. Scot follows. Upset, she tells him that NOT all final girls win by fighting the monster, some of them hide, and some final girls are cowards. Scot says that they'll watch something else, but the damage is done; Kinsey leaves and walks home.
Spotting his sister while driving home, Tyler stops to pick her up. After a moment to register that it isn't Scot, Kinsey gets in.
Back at the house, Bode puts the Mirror Key into a door lock with a mirror hanging on the door. He proclaims that he wants to see his father and opens the door, but there's nothing on the other side. A keyhole appears on the mirror itself, and Bode tries the Mirror Key again. His smiling reflection beckons him into the mirror. Bode finds he can put his hand through the mirror but, scared, withdraws it and calls for Nina. Nina comes and, seeing the reflection of herself smiling and beckoning to her, enters the mirror despite Bode's misgivings. Once inside, she finds herself in a room filled with mirrors, but in reaching for her independently moving reflection, she touches a mirror surface. All the mirrors crack, and she calls to Bode for help.
In the real world, Bode's reflection approaches the mirror surface again, grinning. Seeking help, Bode runs to the well house and calls for Echo. Echo, appearing in full outside the well, tells Bode that she'll help him but needs him to give her the Anywhere Key. Once Bode gives it to her, Echo explains that the Mirror Key leads to the prison of the self, where many people have died, unable to get out - a fine place to trap your enemies. Echo, her true nature revealed, opens a door with the Anywhere Key and leaves. When Bode opens the door immediately afterward, there's nothing there except a storage closet with a coil of rope.
As Bode grabs the rope, Tyler and Kinsey return home. Bode gets back into Key House, tells his siblings what happened, and takes them to the mirror. Tyler's reflection motions to him to enter before walking off. Tyler calls to Nina, who can hear him. Kinsey ties the rope around Tyler's waist so he can find his way back, and then Tyler enters the mirror.
Inside the mirror world, Tyler touches the mirror surface. As it did for Nina, it cracks along with all the mirrors around him. The real Nina calls to him for help. Tyler closes his eyes and tells her to do the same and to follow his voice. They find each other and hold on tight as Tyler calls for Kinsey and Bode to pull them out. Success. The family hugs, and Bode, after taking the Mirror Key out of the lock, tells them that Key House is full of magical keys. Nina suddenly loses the memory of what just happened. She says she's fine, then leaves to put away laundry. Left alone in the room, the children wonder what Key House is.
In a prison, a guard tells Sam he has a visitor and takes him to the interview room, where he finds Echo waiting for him. She greets him by name and reminds him that she said she'd come see him.
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