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- Title: Crown of Shadows
- Year:
- Duration: unknown
- Rating: 7.6
- Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Summary Crown of Shadows
The battle over the Omega Key leads to decisions that can't be undone - and a dangerous door that promises plenty of trouble ahead.
Dodge comes for the Omega Key, bringing an army of shadows with her that she controls using the Crown of Shadows. The Locke children desperately try to defend Key House, and call on Scot, Gabe, Jackie, and Eden for help; however, it turns out that one of their friends is not who they seem.
Synopsis Crown of Shadows
Nina has lattes with Matuku and they talk about her drinking. Matuku assures Nina that slips don't erase the progress that she had. The detective talks about his own recovery and how it's all about the next day. Nina says that Matheson was supposed to be a fresh start but admits it hasn't worked out as she hoped. She wonders if it's healthy for her family to live there.Kinsey, Tyler and Bode wait for Ellie and Rufus to return with the Crown. Bode sees a robed Dodge approach. She dons the Crown and commands the shadows to throw the family car across the yard, proving to Tyler that the shadows are not just scare tactics. The Lockes head downstairs and barricade the front door, and Bode grabs his toy light saber. The shadows slip into Key House and Tyler and Bode decide to check the upstairs. Kinsey sees the shadows grab the urn with Rendell's ashes and calls her brothers back.
The shadows dump the ashes out, searching for the Omega Key. When Tyler advances to stop them, the shadow form of Dodge grabs him and slams him into the wall, lifting him up by his throat. Bode turns on the lights, dissipating the shadows, and they turn on all the lights before the shadows can attack again. More shadows search the darkened kitchen, which disappear when Tyler turns on the lights.
Finding tape on the floor, Bode tapes the Matchstick Key to the end of his light saber. He then steps out into the darkness and taunts the shadow monsters. As they move in on him, the power - and the lights - goes out. Kinsey grabs a flashlight and heads for the basement fuse box, leaving her brothers to distract Dodge.
Dodge demands the Omega Key, and Tyler and Bode hold the shadows at bay with the light saber and a flashlight. They run upstairs to get more flashlights while Kinsey descends to the basement. A shadow reaches through the stairs, grabs her leg, and trips her. She falls to the bottom, dropping her flashlight. As she crawls toward it, shadows grab and drag her into the darkness. Kinsey manages to light a match, driving enough of them away so she can reach her flashlight and dispel the rest.
Dodge's shadow confronts Bode in the hallway, which he stabs in the chest with his light saber and Matchstick Key. It bursts into flames and falls over the balcony as Tyler joins Bode, but they never hear a thump of the body landing.
Kinsey turns the fuses on and the lights come up. She comes upstairs and finds the unconscious form of Dodge in the foyer. Tyler and Bode arrive, and Kinsey confirms that the demon is still breathing, but the Crown is gone. Bode confirms the Omega Key is still safe in the cabinet, and Kinsey reminds them that Ellie said Dodge is unable to be killed. Kinsey suggests they send Dodge back through the Black Door. Tyler reluctantly agrees and tells Bode that he's not going, so Bode goes to check on Rufus while Kinsey takes the Omega Key from him.
Kinsey calls for help to carry Dodge to the sea caves, greeting Scot, Gabe, Jackie and Eden at the door. Gabe apologizes for the rest of the Savini Squad, still suffering PTSD from their previous cave experience, and Jackie apologizes to Tyler for freaking out earlier but assures him she's not scared and not going anywhere, which is one up on Tyler.
Scot interrupts their tender moment to suggest that they need to deal with Dodge. Kinsey leads them to the unconscious Dodge, and Scot figures that she looks appealingly human to lull them into a false sense of security. Eden takes a photo and Jackie tells her not to post it. The group wraps Dodge up in a canvas and hauls her out to the cave before the tide comes in. Scot chatters nervously from a sense of foreboding while Eden asks what they should do if Dodge wakes up. Tyler brought a knife. It can't kill a demon but may give them time to run. The group reaches the cliff and hesitates before gathering their courage and determination and proceeding.
Bode bicycles to the Whedon house and finds Rufus unconscious on the floor. When Rufus doesn't awaken, Bode calls out for help.
Entering the cave, Eden asks how they found it, and Kinsey explains they were going to shoot Scot's movie in it. Eden laughs and says she'd've quit the movie if she hadn't already. The group takes Dodge to the Black Door, where they hear a rumbling sound. They set the body down and approach the Black Door, where Kinsey says that opening it doesn't feel right to her. Tyler says it was her idea, but Kinsey asks if this feels right to them and that a best-available idea doesn't make it a good one. Tyler warns that the tide will come in soon, and Dodge stirs. Kinsey warns that the deed, once done, can't be taken back, but Tyler figures they can end it... for Rendell. Kinsey decides to agree and warns the others about the "glowing bullets" that Ellie described, and not to let any hit them.
Kinsey unlocks the Black Door and everyone helps pull it open. A glowing piece of rock shoots out and hits the opposite wall. Tyler and Kinsey drag Dodge to the Door. She awakens fully and grabs Tyler, asking what he thinks he's doing, screaming "No!" as they throw her in. Kinsey holds onto Tyler and Tyler breaks Dodge's grip. More glowing rocks shoot through, but the group manages to shut the door and lock it. It's done.
The group returns to Key House, and Gabe tells Kinsey and Tyler that they were awesome. Tyler goes to get some food, and the others go with him. Scot hangs back and tells Kinsey that he doesn't want to split his time with Kinsey between himself and Gabe. Kinsey says that she understands and they both agree that they can be friends.
As Nina and Matuku leave a restaurant, Matuku gets a call on police business. He excuses himself and they agree that they enjoyed getting together.
Matuku goes to the Whedon house and tells Bode that the EMTs are going to take Rufus to the hospital to check him out, but he's all right. Bode goes out to the ambulance and asks Rufus what happened, and Rufus describes Dodge. He gives Bode one of the Keys and salutes him, and Bode returns his salute and leaves.
When Bode returns to Key House, Tyler and Kinsey tell him that Dodge is gone for good. He asks if they're sure it was Dodge, and explains that Ellie wasn't at her house when he got there. Tyler and Kinsey begin to wonder, but Tyler insists that Dodge is gone for good and Kinsey agrees. They're safe now.
The next morning, Nina makes pancakes for her children. Duncan arrives and joins them for breakfast, and Nina wonders if they know what happened to the car. It doesn't work right. The children feign ignorance, and Nina says that no one has seen Ellie. Rufus' aunt and uncle are coming to take him in, and Nina tells everyone that she made a mistake moving them there. She wanted to learn more about Rendell's past, but it was a mistake and they're going back to Seattle. Nina did not expect silence as a response. Kinsey says they all like it in Matheson; Tyler and Bode agree. Duncan tells them they're the best thing to happen to Key House - at least since the 1890s. Nina needs to process this, and they assure her that she didn't make a mistake and hug her.
Later, Bode writes a letter to Rufus (heard in a voice-over), who now lives in Nebraska at his uncle's place. Bode figures something weird happened the night that Ellie disappeared and promises to figure it out.
Nina drives around with a pile of missing posters of Ellie.
Bode (still heard in voice-over) says that the Keys are part of their family and they need to protect them. (Tyler is seen getting ready for a new day while Kinsey is seen with four Keys kept in the Music Box - Ghost, Head, Omega and Matchstick - along with pieces of Dad's disassembled heirloom bracelet.) The Lockes are the new Keepers of the Keys. Bode also asks Rufus to mail him a photo of his uncle's front door so he, Rufus' fellow soldier, can visit if he gets the Anywhere Key.
At sunset, the Lockes go to the cliff and scatter Rendell's ashes over the ocean. Nina says that they're all home. They go back to Key House and Kinsey calls Gabe. Tyler is going fishing with Jackie on her parents' boat, and Gabe tells Kinsey - who won't be going to summer art school - that he'll meet her later.
As Gabe bicycles through Matheson, he flashbacks through a montage of past events.
(1) Gabe arrives in costume for the Savini movie, and (2) he and Kinsey talk about the Black Door after escaping the Drowning Cave. He says that Kinsey has an energy that people all follow. After a moment, they kiss and then Gabe leaves. As he ascends steps, he uses the Identity Key to revert to "his" real appearance as Dodge. She then uses the Anywhere Key to meet Tyler at the party. (3) She goes hot and heavy with Tyler in her truck.
After activating the Crown of Shadows, Dodge uses the Identity Key to change from Lucas to Dodge, then uses the Identity Key to make Ellie look like her. Ellie stares at her new face in horror. Dodge punches her unconscious then drags Ellie to the Key House and leaves her on the floor of the foyer for the Locke children to find. The Lockes unwittingly throw the shape-changed Ellie through the Black Door, thinking it's Dodge. One of the glowing rocks comes through and strikes Eden in the arm, but only Gabe/Dodge sees it. He smiles.
Gabe/Dodge rides through Matheson on his bicycle, smiling in triumph. He arrives at the restaurant (Fisherman's Catch) where he meets Eden eating several meals. The demon inside of her says that it's so hungry and continues eating. Gabe/Dodge smiles and joins her.
The camera pans back from an exterior shot of the restaurant. In the skies above Matheson, lightning streaked storm clouds gather.
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