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- Title: Trapper / Keeper
- Year:
- Duration: unknown
- Rating: 7.4
- Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Summary Trapper / Keeper
While Nina uncovers details about Rendell's past, Kinsey helps out the Savini Squad. Meanwhile, Tyler falls in with a bad crowd, and Bode finds another key.
While a newly discovered key challenges Bode to figure out what it does, he baits a steel-toothed trap for his next encounter with Echo. Tyler's preference for his new hockey teammates (who later venture to lead him astray) outweighs any brotherly duties towards Kinsey's emotional welfare. Nina hears of a past tragedy in her late husband's adolescence, but it's something he never spoke about and something of which his brother Duncan says he isn't even aware. At least both Bode and Tyler meet new allies, while Kinsey tries to help out Scot's horror movie when a haughty actress quits.
Synopsis Trapper / Keeper
Bode writes down a list of things for his covert mission, including confronting Echo and finding the Anywhere Key. Nina serves breakfast, says Duncan is coming in from Boston, and wonders why everyone is so quiet. Kinsey asks Nina if she remembers anything unusual, and Nina says that she's going to polish the mirror eventually. The hardware store makes a delivery and Nina goes to answer the doorbell. Kinsey tells Bode that maybe what happened didn't happen like they think it happened. She suggests mold made them hallucinate what happened. Bode figures that Nina doesn't remember because it's magic and because she's an adult. Bode uses the Mirror Key on a nearby mirror to prove that it was no hallucination.Tyler comes down and, alarmed, sees Kinsey's reflection walk off. He asks Bode if the Mirror Key is the only one he found. Bode admits it is and that he lost the Anywhere Key. Tyler takes the Mirror Key figuring that they can't trust Bode to lose it as well. As Tyler and Kinsey meet up with the waiting Javi to ride to the academy, Kinsey wonders if Rendell knew about the keys. Tyler tells her to shut up about it so people don't think them any weirder. Javi says he's heard stories about Key House, including how a woman wandered in and went insane.
Bode turns on a toy light sword and explores Key House, holding his soldier action figure for companionship. A toilet flushes loudly and Duncan comes out of the bathroom, startling Bode, then walks off. Bode figures he needs a more powerful weapon and heads for one of the swords hanging over the mantle; however, he hears whispering coming from a vacuum cleaner and in it finds a key with a woman's face.
Javi drives Tyler and Kinsey to the academy, and Kinsey silently goes inside alone. The boys walk in, Brinker joins them, and Javi points out that he's been cool not asking yet about Tyler's previous evening with Eden. So, how was it? It was... good, says Tyler. As they reach the library, Tyler sees Jackie, who avoids him coldly.
As Nina cleans the house, Ellie Whedon enters and says her son Rufus has been taking care of the grounds. She offers locally made artisanal gin as a housewarming gift, which Nina accepts. Ellie says that she teaches Phys Ed at the academy part time and went there herself with Rendell. Nina recognizes Ellie from the photo she found and mentions it. When she shows it to Ellie, Ellie says that Lucas was her boyfriend and Rendell's best friend. Nina doesn't recall Rendell ever mentioning Lucas, and Ellie looks at her. Bernadette at the academy phones to say that they haven't yet received Nina' tuition payment plan. Nina says that the form must have gotten lost, and Ellie looks pensively at the photo. As Nina gets off the phone, Ellie says that she has to go and leaves.
Bode tries the new key on the basement door but it doesn't open. He takes a walk outside through the forest and finds an old cabin, where he tries the key again, unsuccessfully. Rufus comes up and apologizes for startling Bode. Rufus says that he lives in the cabin and is an excellent employee, and they talk about their G.I. Joe action figures. Since Rufus seems like a weapons expert, Bode asks what weapon to use against an unidentified enemy, and Rufus leads Bode into his cabin. He hands Bode a bear trap. Asked if he needs help, Bode says he has to handle the situation on his own. Rufus advises Bode that has to ask himself what his enemy wants, forcing Bode to wonder what Echo does want.
Echo sits in a diner, ponders the Anywhere Key, and eats ravenously. Once she's done, she dips two fingers in her hot coffee then goes to the restroom. She uses the Anywhere Key on the door and transports herself to a high-end dress shop, puts on a dress, then transports herself to a jewelry store. She steals an expensive necklace then transports herself through a door to a French dance club, where she hits on a young man. They end up in bed, and Echo tells him to choke her. Echo then flips it around and chokes him to death before leaving the bed.
In the academy lunchroom, Kinsey sits at a table by herself. Tyler comes in, deliberately avoids his sister, and sits with his teammates. Scot sits down with Kinsey and apologizes. Kinsey glares at him. Eden comes over and tells Scot that she's going to have her hair blown out because that's how she sees her movie character. Once she leaves, Scot explains that he and the other Squad members are making a horror movie. He invites Kinsey to join them on the set and assures her there won't be anything scary there.
Nina visits the school to pay the tuition, and the dean of 11th grade, Joe Ridgeway, talks to her in the hallway. He has Tyler as a student in his English class and figures Tyler is a bright kid but quiet. Joe assures Nina that he's going to look out for Tyler, who reminds him of Rendell. He explains that he was also Rendell's teacher, along with Ellie, Lucas, and the others. Joe mentions that they were a tight-knit group, and Rendell and his friends were always together. Joe says that it was a tragedy what happened to them, then realizes that Rendell never talked about it. The secretary calls Nina in to get one more signature, and Joe heads off to his class.
Tyler finds Jackie manning a table at the student activities fair. He tells her that nothing happened between him and Eden. Jackie says that Eden told her everything and suggests he tell Javi and Brinker what really happened.
The Past:
Rendell calls Tyler into his office and suggests he make friends with freaky Sam. Tyler says that his friends always give him shit that he's already the guidance counselor's son, but Rendell isn't impressed and orders Tyler to do it.
As Tyler leaves the activities group fair, Nina sees him and calls to him. They go outside and Tyler says it's only been two days and he barely knows his way to class. His mother says that she just wants Tyler and Kinsey to find happiness and asks Tyler to watch out for Kinsey, who doesn't make friends as easily as he. As Nina drives off, Tyler sees a boy with artificial legs (Logan) key Javi's car parked in the handicap spot. Logan notices Tyler watching him but just walks off.
Bode goes to a locksmith shop and shows him the key he found. The locksmith notes how light it is and asks where it comes from, and when he turns around to check his stock, Bode notices a keyhole on the back of the locksmiths' neck. He starts to put the key in the hole, but the man turns around with a jar full of old keys and invites Bode to take them because they're not worth anything.
Nina shops for hardware supplies and notices a hammer with blood on it.
Flashback: After shooting Nina in the leg, Sam seeks where Kinsey and Bode are hiding. Kinsey crawls across the floor as Tyler pounds on the front door. Nina finally gets up and hits Sam in the head with a hammer.
Nina looks at the hammer again, and there's no blood.
Kinsey gets to her locker and finds a copy of the script for Scot's movie, "The Splattering," stuck in the door. She reads a little of the first page and chuckles, then Tyler comes up, his locker right next to hers. Kinsey doesn't like that he ignored her at lunch and starts to walk off, but Tyler grabs her backpack, pulls her back and apologizes, saying he's just trying to make it through the day without going crazy. Javi texts Tyler to join him, and Tyler quickly excuses himself, showing that his new friends mean more to him than his sister.
Ellie arrives at Key House to pick up Rufus; Nina invites her in. Over tea, Nina asks about the tragedy Joe mentioned. Ellie finally says that at the end of their senior year, there was an accident and three of their friends drowned in the nearby sea cave. They were partying after graduation and weren't thinking about the tides. Since she never talks about it, it's not surprising Rendell never did either.
Bode puts the bear trap on his bed and pries the rusty spiked jaws open. He loses his grip and the jaws snap shut, but he finishes prying the trap open into position, sets the lever, and covers it over with a blanket. Bode then puts one of the non-magical keys from the jar on top of the blanket over the bear trap.
Tyler, Javi and Brinker go to the liquor store, where Tyler sees Logan. Javi mentions that someone keyed his car; Tyler says nothing. Despite the fact they're underage, Brinker sneaks some alcohol with Javi, and they tell Tyler to follow their lead. When the elderly clerk stops them, Javi and Brinker shove past and run out, knocking him down. Tyler stays, helps the clerk up and asks the clerk to take back the beer he holds. By requirement, the clerk starts to call the police, but Logan comes over, claims the beer as his, shows the clerk his ID, claims he knows Tyler - Tyler Locke no less (which impresses the clerk) - then leaves.
Back at Key House, Bode checks the back of his own neck with a hand mirror, and watches as a key hole appears as he holds the key - the Head Key - near. He's curious what it does but decides against experimenting. Later, Echo cheerfully walks into his room using the Anywhere Key, saying she's had a fun day because of him (carnival music plays and she holds a stuffed bear prize). She notices the key on the bed and bends over to pick it up. The trap snaps shut, only biting off half of the stuffed bears's head. Echo asks Bode if he thought he could trick his "friend," and Bode insists that, after trying to kill his mom, they're not friends. She tells him to try harder to find more Keys and to give them to her when he does. When Bode defiantly asks why he would do that, she grabs him by the throat and says that she otherwise won't be as nice next time. After a moment she lets Bode go, leaves him the damaged bear, and transports away using the Anywhere Key.
Kinsey watches the Squad set up for their movie, and Gabe comes in wearing the suit of a local legend monster, Amphropeta. He introduces himself. Scot explains that Gabe is new to Matheson as well. Eden hasn't read the script and is shocked that she's going to be drenched in "blood," saying that it's either her or the blood. Voting, the Squad figures they'd rather have the blood, and Eden quits and leaves. Zadie suggests that Kinsey play the part, and Kinsey agrees despite Scot suggesting otherwise.
Once Scot serves a smoothie to Kinsey, he talks Kinsey through the role. They start shooting and Kinsey sits down next to the dummy filling in for her "boyfriend." Gabe comes in and slices off the dummy's head, at which point, in trying to scream, Kinsey has flashbacks to when Sam came after her and Bode. Kinsey hyperventilates but doesn't scream, then apologizes. Scot assures her that it's okay and they had to reshoot anyway.
Nina and Duncan share takeout, and Nina apologizes for Kinsey's and Tyler's absence. She finally asks why Rendell never mentioned the drowning incident, and Duncan says he doesn't remember any such incident. Nina wonders why Duncan doesn't remember it happening, and Duncan claims that Rendell was older than he and kept to himself. He finally says that the entire time period was rubbed out of his memories, and he doesn't understand it. Nina asks if Rendell ever mentioned Sam to him. Before Duncan can respond, Kinsey comes in, upset and covered in fake blood. She tells Nina that she's fine and goes to clean up.
In her room, Kinsey sits on her bed and remembers the past.
Rendell gives Kinsey a present for graduating middle school. It's the bracelet, and Rendell said that he's had it for a long time. Rendell puts it on Kinsey's wrist and says that it's kind of a family heirloom and has always been special to him. When Kinsey notes that Rendell never talks about his family, her father says that they went in different directions, and his wife and children are all the family he needs and more than he ever deserved. He tells Kinsey to stick together with her brothers and hugs her.
Kinsey holds the bracelet and breaks into tears.
Bode paces around his room and finally inserts the Head Key into the back of his neck. He turns it and then finds himself standing outside of his unmoving body. A large chest lies nearby that wasn't there before. After a moment, Bode opens its lid. Flashing lights shine out, and Bode looks at them in surprise and pleasure.
When Tyler comes home (seeming a little drunk), Kinsey tells him that she covered for him with Nina. He thanks her and asks what she wants from him. "Nothing," she says, when he's in this state. Kinsey points out that Tyler used to talk to her but now never does when real shit is going on. Tyler insists that he's the same as always, but Kinsey tells him otherwise.
Tyler and Kinsey both spot Bode through the open door of his bedroom. They enter and find Bode standing still and staring off into space. The other Bode opens the chest lid from the inside and tells his siblings that they have to come see, making Tyler and Kinsey stare at each other incredulously.
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